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The Pulse of Life: Sports Healing and Prevention Program


This program assists sports enthusiast  in build their body as they reduce the possibilities of sports injuries.  This program uses ancient Asian techniques of breathing, movement point manipulations to cultivate Qi (energy) and build blood to promote health and well being during sports activities. 


In Asia, cultivating Internal Qi (energy), Wei Qi (Protective Qi- immunity), and Jing (Life Force Essence) allows the ancient master power to health the body internally, promote longevity and reduce the possblity of injury as they trained in martial arts, acrobatics, or athletic competition.    History proves that the ancient Asian culture preserved longevity well.  They understood that daily exercises, natural herbs, meditation, and the palpation of special points on the body will increase the body’s ability to heal, maintain strength and grow healthier.  Asian cultures  know that Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Tui Na, Internal Therapy, Acupuncture, Jing Luo (meridian therapy), deep breathing and activating the organ sounds could be used in combination to increase one’s life span and to strengthen the internal and external body.

Over the past 20 years the Energy Institute of the Healing Arts Foundation/ Healen Arts Acupuncture Wellness Studio, LLC. has cultivated and harnessed the above therapies.  We have created a therapy that encompasses the energy of health and healing entitled “The Pulse of Life Sports Healing and Prevention Program ,”  which introduces athletes, personal trainers, physical therapists, massage therapists and other healthcare workers to this unique techniques for clients and self health.

“The Pulse of Life “is designed for people who participate in an array of sports activities and have a desire to reduce sports injuries and increase their performance and maintain health and longevity.  This self-help therapy also assists in enhancing ones physical training profiles as it reduces the occurrence of sports injuries, while increasing stamina and endurance. 


The Pulse of Life Program instructs participants on how to create a free flow of Qi (energy), which assists in enhancing their overall health as it unblocks stagnated and blocked energy within the body that causes pain and injuries.  The free flow of Qi allows the muscles, tendons and ligaments to relax, strengthen and increase performance.

Using the Pulse of Life Program with exercise, results in an increasing physical strength, improving balance and enhancing endurance, allowing the body to become more sensitive to exercises.  Through understanding the postures and breathing techniques, participants increase their energy, movement, endurance and stamina during a workout or athletic event.



The Pulse of Life Program uses, Tui Na Traditional Chinese Bodywork, Qi Gong breathing and postures  to generate and cultivate Qi flow.  Tui Na is a 3,000-year-old Chinese Bodywork System, which is in the same category as acupuncture, except Tui Na uses hand maneuvers instead of needles on the same points as acupuncture.  Through the manipulation of particular points on the body, clients can strengthen their performance ability and address other health issues at the same time.  

Through cultivating the breath, standing and seating postures with soft, slow to moderate  movement, invigorates Qi (energy), which increases the flow of blood, body fluid to the internal organs, and extremities assisting participants in taking their exercise program to a higher level of training. 


Qi Gong, offers an increase in the circulation of Qi, blood and body fluids , increasing oxygenation of blood allowing more nutrients to reach muscles tissues, brain and central nervous system, promoting increase endurance, stamina and flexibility.  Qi Gong combined with Tui Na increases ones overall performance, health and longevity. All of the Chinese athletic teams maintain Qi Gong exercises and Tui Na daily especially when they are preforming










Sports Therapy

The Pulse of Life also provide information on methods of improving nutritional values to increase digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients in order to increase energy output. The nutritional aspect of the Pulse of Life identifies food chemistry and their interaction with the body’s ability to provide needed energy.


Through understanding food therapy, participants learn which foods to eat before working out or participating in sports events and which food to eliminate. Food therapy also identifies food for the season and the climate in which an athlete is working.   


Participants are also guided through understanding the balance between food supplements and their synergistic nature. This information introduce how food supplements have to be balanced in order for them to be absorbed. 

With the Pulse of Life Sports Injury Healing and Prevention Program one can increase their ability to:


(1) build their inner core, which will allow the body to increase, tonify, strengthen and nourish muscles, ligaments and tendons.

(2) It will increase and improve the circulation of blood and vital nutrients to the muscles, tendons, tissues and bones. This will increase the power and energy to lift more weights without stress or strain, during weight training as it improves the  body’s tone.

(3) It will improve runners distances capabilities as it reduces the shock on their knees, hips and lower back.  Breathing techniques  can increase runners capacity and reduce end of the run exhaustion.  

(4) During aerobic exercise, a person is able to step higher and move easier with rhythm and balance increasing their energy level, stamina, and endurance, as they strengthen their body without the possibilities of an injury.


This program is for anyone who is engaged in fitness activity.  On the professional level it will train healthcare professional in techniques to assist their client in healing and preventing injuries. The program is available for fitness club, gyms and/or private sessions.  


Participants Learn: how to palpate specific acupoints located on the body in conjunction with breathing. They learn methods of using these points in conjunction with eight different hand maneuvers before and after their workout session.  They are also introduced to Qi Gong movement and postures that stimulate Qi (energy), internal organs, blood, body fluids, muscles, tendons, and bones, as it increases energy, stamina, and endurance while toning and shaping  the body.  

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