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Health Care Store

Health Care Products

Seasonal Cleaning Program:


This package contains herbs that will cleans, balance, nourish and detox your body within the season. Each season the herbs in the package change to accommodate the season. For instance during the winter there would be herbs in the package to fortify the kidneys, balance the lungs, nourish the bowel tract, and enhance digestion. 


Cost: $100.00 -> 


Weight Conditioning Program:


This herbal program provides herbs and information to aid you in weight (waste) loses. It introduces herbs that have been researched and tested by universities and major health research organization. The herbs are know for their ability to assist in re-balancing digestion to improve assimilation, absorption and proper elimination of waste by products.  Using this program and changing to a healthier lifestyle you will find weight lose, reduction in blood pressure, diabetes and other health issues that are results of over weight and obesity. 


System Balance:


System Balance is a formula developed in the 1990 to assist people with health deficiencies causing immune dysfunction. Over the years Systems Balance has worked to assist the body in reestablishing its ability to secure nutrients. 

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